Selb's Series | #DaysInFashion

My fashion journey started when I won 1st prize at a nationwide competition in Fashion Design when I was 15. The prize was a BA scholarship Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts which I took it up after completing my Diploma in Temasek Polytechnic. Being a fashion student was quite a nightmare for me. Because there were no exams, we were graded based on projects. Many many sleepless night, cans of red bull and my mom even got this herbs from sin seh just to help me stay awake.

Here are some of my works. I actually have a lot more, maybe will blog and share all my past works!

Upon graduation, my first job was at Mediacorp Publishing, as an assistant stylist. It was a great experience meeting our home grown talents and celebrities but after a while I kinda got bored and wanted to try something else.

I went over to Giordano as an Assistant Buyer where my merchandising skills I learnt in school was not enough at all. There were a lot of things very new to me and adjusting to office work was also overwhelming. The one thing I remember vividly was dreading Monday because Monday after lunch was our weekly sales and buyers meeting. It was quite scary especially when sales went down and humans being humans, everyone wanted to protect themselves.

After about a year, I moved to a smaller local company that did children clothings. There were just 4 of us, including my boss and it was a very different culture. We were not allowed to go out for lunch. I was so young then didn’t realise that lunchtime was my rights, so I followed her rules. Nevertheless, I learnt how a local fashion brand was run. I did designing, merchandising and even met buyers to present our collection. I hated the fact that I couldn’t go out for lunch ( though she was nice enough to let me perform my prayers in the office ), I left after about 1 and half years.

It was then that I said - enough of fashion!! Lets do something else. The other thing that I am also passionate about is art teaching. I love to paint, doddle, create sculptures and just getting my hands dirty. 6 years ago I joined an art company - and that was where I met Lully!

Sometimes you are meant to go one full circle to come back to where you belong. If I hadn’t leave the fashion world, I may not have met Lullly which means I may not have started Lully Selb? Things work in a miraculous way!

Before I end this post; these are the 5 things I learnt throughout my days in fashion industry.

1) Always ask your boss if unsure

2) Don’t be shy

3) Fashion is a bitchy world, don’t have to be bitchy

4) Have fun at work

5) Read and know whats in trend

Till then,


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