#lullyslist | Madness behind LS Eid 2018: The Modern Malay Woman

It's been almost a week since our Eid show last Saturday on 5th May. The extra special month where Lully Selb celebrates our 3rd anniversary. Our expectation grow every year; create fancier collection and an exciting show. No matter how  hard we planned for smoother operations, there are always some things beyond our control. 

From the bottom of my heart, I am going to share with you the struggles we faced and how we overcame it. I hope these littlest things can shed some light for fellow entrepreneurs out there too. 

1. Sourcing and trying out a new manufacturer

Working with a new manufacturer for the first time is always a nerve wrecking process. Mutual understanding, clear communication, thoroughness in detail and trust is needed. We are blessed to have found a good one. However, when it comes to printing fabrics, colour calibration is always an issue! Be it the printer changed their machines or ink type, getting the right warmth of colour or a rich pure black on fabric requires a trained eye.

2. Timeline and expectations

I know of designers across the border who would start designing for the next Eid collection right after the festive season ended. How do they get all the inspiration in a short period of time?! 6 months in advance gives enough buffer time to make amendments to design and test prints. If you only book orders 4 months before fasting month, it will drive you nuts. Reason being, it's the peak period and depends on how lucky you are, you might be the first few in line to get your orders settled. Fyi, we were 6th in line! Alhamdulillah, our collection arrived just in time for the show. Selb and I strive to start even earlier for the Eid 2019 to avoid the waiting game, wish us luck!

3. Planning the show

Get an event planner from day 1. It will keep you on track of things and not be startled by last minute preparation. It would be ideal to have a day rest doing nothing before the show. The madness all started when we went over to event venue 3 days prior to event. The objective was to finalise layout of runway etc. What made our heart sank with disappointment and panicked was when we got to know that the slot we chosen was double-booked. Somehow, we were able to share the space but we only get 30 mins to set up for the runway and booth space for the vendors! Never again will we compromise on set-up time! Nonetheless, we are very grateful to our efficient crew who made it possible to bring you guys a fun show! 

Here are some highlights of the event. 

The guests were greeted with a goodie bag and they get to print our Eid motifs on the fans. The stamps were carved by lini.b!

Waiting for show to start...

Backstage of Selb and I making sure the models were ready.

Started the first show with this show piece! Just look at the cute sleeve details.

In less than 10 mins, the show ended in a blink of an eye.

Shopping still continues. Our lovely partners- Molly Cosmetics, Batik Rolls, Meraki, ATGAB, The Turkish Cloth, Lini.B, Bookuu, Zahara and Dhartinis. All of them are having post event promos. Catch the details on our instagram stories.

 Azaree, our dear friend who made it possible to put the event together! Thank you!

There are still so many things that I would like to share with all of you; the campaign photos and videos! Keep your eyes peeled on updates on our instagram.

 Finally, to those who missed our Eid show, we are having back to back pop ups for you. Starting this Friday 11 May, the first 20 to shop our collection will get a goodie bag! (A legit goodie bag ok!)



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