#selbsseries | Why decluttering can be sentimental?

Hi guys, 

As I'm going closer to my EDD (expected delivery date), I have been doing a lot of cleaning up. From my store room to my work room, there were so many things I kept hoarding on for years that should have been thrown away. These things take up too much space and I sometimes wonder why do want to keep them. While decluttering my work room, both Lully and I discovered we have boxes and bags of Lully Selb's old sketches, drawings, fabrics and over the years, they kept growing. 

It was tough to finally decide to let go some of the things. Imagine, for each collection, we have tonnes of drawings, followed by print designs, samples, RE-sampling and then actual products. Now that its our 4th year, we have accumulated so much that we have been keeping just for memory sake. 

Each time we picked up something lets say an old fabric of LS print, we look at each other and one of us would say, "Just throw la!" The other will stare at it, "oh but this was our first successful print." Or "Oh my god, we didn't get to produce this, lets keep and see what we can do about this print." 

You see, as a creative, every piece of work using your own hands is something close to heart. Throwing them away simply means removing your past process out of your system. We got really sentimental while trying to declutter so decided to archive some of our process work into a nice sketchbook. We thought who knows some day, we can have an exhibition and these many come in handy to show how far we've come. Here are some shots from our sketchbook.











lully selb

As for our bag of samples, we're thinking of having our first ever sample sale! Keep a look out for more information. Meanwhile, if you want to experience what our creative process is, come join us for our workshop where we'll explore pouring art and make your own canvas. 

You may whatsapp or DM us. 





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