#LSS Interview: Sarah Bagharib

Sarah Bagharib is a documentary producer-director with MAKE Productions who is also seen as a style icon amongst the young muslimah creatives. An inspiring  youth who just celebrated her 26th birthday, we caught up with her to know what she’s been up to. ( pssss: Sarah’s wearing our new essentials; the white dots jacket ).

1) Who’s in your squad?

My family, Alhamdulillah I am so blessed to have the most loving and supportive family who keep me going every single day. My best girlfriends whom I know will always have my back, and of course my husband (still getting used to saying this!) who inspires me to be the best version of myself.

2) 3 things people don’t know about you?

I’m typically an open book so… this is quite difficult! Let’s see… well #1, I’ve always wanted to become a war correspondent. #2, I’m allergic to panadol and #3, I have an irrational fear of lightning, and cockroaches, and snakes.

3) What’s a fashion no-no?

Over-accessorising! And no tights as pants!! (Please don’t?)

4) Name your style icon

Olivia Palermo, forever and always!

5) Describe a typical weekday and weekend
I spend my weekdays in… the office.  If I’m not on shoot, then I’ll be in the edit (which to me is the most stressful part of production!) On weekends, I spend some time working on The Codette Project which is a movement that aims to empower minority Muslim women through tech (do check us out on Facebook heh!) 

6) Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to be in your shoes, specifically doing media and production?

My advice would be to never take no for an answer. I’m always negotiating in my line of work - either negotiating access to a story or… negotiating to work within the given budget.Determination/persistence always pays off! So if you’d really like to work in the media, don’t just sit there, go for it! Even an internship will get you a long way… (I’ve been with MAKE Productions for nearly 5 years now and it all started with an unpaid internship!) 

7) What’s your motto in life?
Leave no room for self doubt! I think you are your biggest enemy so never let you get in your own way! 

Thank you Sarah for taking time and being part of our LSSquad! Do follow her productions life journey and get style inspirations over at her Instagram.

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