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Selb's Series | #RevampWardrobe

One of things I want to start right this year is a fresh, clean organized wardrobe. Besides the fact that I love fashion, I believe how you look affects how you feel about yourself. To feel good, you've gotta look good. In order to look good though, your wardrobe should inspire you and ease the process of getting dressed –  rather than not knowing what to wear every morning and getting depressed!So in today's Selb Series, here are some simple easy steps to de-clutter and get your wardrobe organized. 1) Take out all your clothes from your cupboard onto your bed.  2) Sort them out into three piles; LOVE, UNSURE, HATE LOVE : You love it, makes you feel good and...

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Lully's List| My favourite workout apps

For this week's #lullyslist I'll be sharing three workout apps which are worth downloading especially if you prefer to do your workouts at home.  1. My ultimate favourite workout app at the moment is Sworkit Lite! The visuals are great with a clean and mininal interface..what's not to like?! Choose from a variety of workouts from light cardio to intense. You can even customize for HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training- quick short workouts with fewer rest intervals- definitely beats an hour of cardio and burns lots of fat!) to increase your level of intensity. You can also stream workout playlists from Spotify! You can still hear the instructor's voice clearly while playing the songs. 2. Bikini Abs. 3 things I...

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Selb's Series | #stressbusters

For this week's Selb's Series, I'll be sharing simple ways to destress as mentioned in the last post. Being the multitasking superwomen most of us are, we tend to juggle different roles and responsibilities so knowing when to take a little time off for yourself is really important.  So here's 5 easy ways on how to deal with stress: 1) Always have a To-Do-List. Feeling overwhelmed with things and don't know where to begin? Just start by writing down a to-do list with clear datelines. It lets you prioritize properly and it feels so good when you start striking them off one by one as you get things done! 2) Step out and take a walk. Sometimes, all we need is a breath of...

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New Year, New Goals, New Prints!!!

  2016 will be another year of exciting things planned for our #lullyselbsquad. Before we reveal our plans and collections though, we'd like to pause for a while and start the year right. In order to get the creative juices out to produce our works, it's a good time to throw away the bad habits and clear the negativity around us. Great ideas can only happen with a clear mind, so these are our resolutions for 2016: Selma's New Years' Resolution 1) Stay Positive  When living in a city like Singapore, the word 'stress' is always there. My first resolution is that when things may seem tough, I want to take steps on distressing and making sure I stay positive through it...

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Lully's List | Zumba Playlist

Hey guys, happy new year! We're almost through with the first week of 2016 so I hope you've been good with your resolutions so far. One of my resolutions this year is to be healthier and get back in shape. My favourite workouts have always been dancing so for this week's #lullyslist, I picked my favourite Zumba videos which are easy to follow. The first on the list starts with a warm up, followed by 25 catchy tracks and ends with a cool down video. You don't have to do all of 25 videos at once of course! Feel free to skip a track if you're not feeling it and take quick breaks. Some tips before you start the routine –  Do...

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