Selb Series | Counting Blessings of July

This July has been indeed an exciting one!  Ramadhan and Eid have always been the busiest time of the year but this year is extra special. As I thought through what I wanted to write, I realized that you only really start to count your blessings when you pen them down one by one.

1) We had our best sales this Ramadan since we launched a year ago! Our Blnk Cnvas Eid collection was met with great fanfare since our launch and is now almost sold out!!! Thank you so much guys for supporting our work and visiting us at CelebFest and Enpointe!

On another high note, we made the cover of Sheikhahub’s magazine!

2) Great feedback from our #lullyselbsquad through their posts on IG, FB and some even texted us personally. It touched us to get such inspiring messages from our loyal fans and even all the way from USA! Feeling the love from you all keeps us going in our journey of creating beautiful prints and pieces and constantly improving Lully Selb.

3) First Ramadhan/Eid being married. Some of you may know that it was quite a journey itself for me to be finally married. So ya, this is one big big big blessing to celebrate our first Eid together as family! 

4) Hitting the next decade of my life - Being 30 and feeling great. Now I feel the need to be a “real” adult, plan ahead, and perhaps try and change the world? Would love to hear what are your big goals in life? =)

5) If you follow closely our posts, you know that me and Lully’s birthday are just 1 day apart. We had this brilliant idea of bringing back 3 of our favourite prints!! Well last night was the last day to pre order, if you really want them…….. secretly email us =)

I could go on about all the other lovely parts of July but these are my top 5 moments that will be remembered for a while! Doing up today’s Selb Series actually feels so good. You know how they say, positivity starts with positive thoughts. I say start penning down your blessings, and you’ll find yourself smiling your day away.

Feeling totally energised,


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